Take Cooking Classes at the Florida Culinary Institute

Lincoln Culinary Institute Logo.

Now Called The Lincoln Culinary Institute

Formerly known as the Florida Culinary Institute, this culinary school is famously known for its variety of European-style kitchens. Classroom sizes are small in order to ensure proper individual instruction.


Advanced Culinary Arts Diploma

This program can be completed in 60 weeks, and students will be required to enroll in a 20-week externship. Students will learn how to prepare different types of meat, poultry and fish, and will gain a basic understanding of nutrition and international cuisine.

Professional Pastry and Baking Diploma

There are two different types of programs for this diploma, depending on whether you want to study during the day or the evening. The day program can be completed within 60 weeks, while the evening program takes approximately 90 weeks. Students will learn how to prepare cakes and various other tasty desserts, as well as how to work with yeast, sauces, and fillings.

Culinary Management – Bachelor of Science

Within 36 months, students of this program will learn how to design facilities, forecast future sales and costs, and train and supervise staff. Graduates are taught the different types of alcoholic beverages, along with laws and legal issues in the food service industry.

Campus Locations

Programs vary by campus.

Shelton, Connecticut
8 Progress Drive
Shelton, CT 06484
(203) 929-0592
Culinary Arts
International Baking and Pastry

Cromwell, Connecticut
Center for Culinary Arts
106 Sebethe Dr
Cromwell, CT 06416, United States
(860) 613-3350

Suffield, Connecticut
1760 Mapleton Avenue
Suffield, CT 06078
(866) 672-4337

West Palm Beach, Florida
2410 Metrocentre Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
(561) 842-8324

Columbia, Maryland
9325 Snowden River Parkway
Columbia, MD 21046
(410) 290-7100

4 Responses to “Take Cooking Classes at the Florida Culinary Institute”

  1. ankit Says:

    i m ankit . can u please send me aal detail related to bakery and conf diploma. please

  2. Colin Denton Says:

    Is it true that this site has closed? I graduated from there when it was FCI in 2004. So many fond memories. I am now a Foodservice Director in an assisted living facility for the last 11 years all due to my education there. Heartbroken that it is closed.

  3. Mark Bishop Says:

    I graduated from FCI in 1999. Please help with transcripts. Sincerely M Bishop

  4. Debbie MIDKIFF Says:

    I attended Florida Culinary Institute and graduated in 1991. In am in need of my official transcripts to attend another college.

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